Tuesday 8 June 2021

Family preventive care strategy – Let’s make a Healthy Family

Family is priceless... Don’t leave any stone unturned to protect them... Act smart and choose wise... Choose Preventive care...

Family preventive care strategy — Let’s make a Healthy Family

Care beforehand is always better. Once heath is lost it’s lost forever. Ensure to take smart measures for yourself as well as your family. One such important decision is choosing preventive care strategy.

How preventive care keeps maladies at Bay!

Regular check-ups minimize the chances of getting the disease in the first place and if at all found to be having them, we have time to tackle it. They act as a barrier between us and the enemies of our health. 
There is a number of tests that can safeguard us from diabetes, thyroid disorders, heart conditions, liver diseases, obesity, deficiency of vitamins and minerals, and many more as under:

Hemoglobin A1c Test (HbA1c) helps to identify as well as monitor the blood sugar levels of the last 3 months. Blood glucose test and Fructosamine Test also tells about the blood sugar levels.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3) Test detect conditions like hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Free Triiodothyronine (FT3) and Free Thyroxine (FT4) Tests are done for diagnosis as well as observation of related treatment.

This test tells about the efficient detoxification and transportation of bilirubin, hormones, metal ions, vitamins and drugs, thus analyse the working of the liver and the presence of diseases related to it.

Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2), apolipoprotein A (apoA) and apolipoprotein B (apoB) test and Homocysteine levels are cardiac risk markers. They monitor the levels of cholesterol and indicates the presence of heart diseases, stroke and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

Levels of uric acid, albumin, calcium, creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) helps to evaluate kidney functions and monitor kidney diseases.

Testing the levels of minerals and vitamins can warn you about any deficiency and thus help prevent the diseases it can bring in. Also can tell you about the excess of these in the body which is harmful too.

Preventive Care Serves all Age Groups

1. Protects everyone, from infant to the elderly.
2. For growing children, it offers tests for deficiencies like iron, vitamin, mineral and nutrient deficiency.
3. Adults due to sedentary lifestyle and unplanned diet should get tested for the probability of getting diabetes, thyroid disorders, deficiencies and imbalance in the level of lipid and cholesterol.

With ageing the risk of bone and heart disease increases in elders, so along with the above tests, these two should be checked in them.

Sunday 20 November 2016

5 Best Ways to Prevent Thyroid Problems :

Prevent Thyroid Problems

Thyroid & it’s importance : 
Most of us must be aware or at least hear about the butterfly shaped gland called Thyroid situated at the base of neck. Thyroid is just two inches in size but, does extraordinary job of regulating the body temperature, heart rate, body weight & even the brain function. How this gland manages to perform all these functions simultaneously is because of its hormones (T3, T4 & TSH) which control all these metabolic activities and also even manage mineral intake in your blood. 

Thyroid problems :
1. Over active thyroid secretes excess of hormones leading to Hyperthyroidism 
2. Under-active Thyroid fails to produce enough of its hormones thus causing Hypothyroidism 
3. Malignant tumors can turn into thyroid cancer 
4. Formation of lumps on the normal thyroid can lead to thyroid nodules.  

Common symptoms of Thyroid Disorders: 
Hypothyroidism : Weight gain, memory loss, muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches, memory loss, depression, abnormal menstrual cycles, decreased libido, hair loss, weakness, fatigue, etc. 
Hyperthyroidism : Weight loss, increased appetite, rapid heart beat, profused seating, changes in menstrual pattern, nervousness, anxiety build up, difficulty in sleeping, skin thinning, fine and brittle hair, etc.

Know these easy ways to prevent your thyroid issues :
1. Replace nonstick cookware at your home : Nonstick cookwares are easy to wash & scratches free hence, these are preferred most of the times. But did you know food cooked in such cookware can contain nonstick chemicals which can alter your thyroid health. Hence, it’s recommended to use glass, stainless steel & American made cast-iron.   

2. Eat right : Avoid excess consumption of soy, peanuts, cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, sprouts as these foods can hinder with thyroid hormones production affecting thyroid functions. Incorporate food comprising of higher source of Iodine, Zinc, Iron & Copper as these act like fuel for thyroid to function properly.     

3. Undergo thyroid testing : In India 1 in 10 people suffer from thyroid disorders which is mainly because, the disorder goes unnoticed until severe symptoms and complications are experienced. Hence, it is advised to undergo thyroid testing to measure the levels of its hormones in your body. Also, if ignored it can increase blood pressure & cholesterol levels, causing cardiovascular complications & depression. Hence, earlier the disorder is detected easier will it be to address its complications.    

4. Ensure purity of your water : If you stay in area near to industrial zone then, there might be changes that your water supply can be contaminated by industrial effluents. For an example perchlorate (linked to thyroid diseases) is one of the by-product of rocket fuel production which can be found in contaminated water supply. Also, another water contaminants harmful for thyroid health are VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) so, carry out VOC water testing in order to avoid health hazards of it. Also, excess of  fluorides in your drinking water can lead to hypothyroidism.  

5. Say no to smoking : Most of us are well aware that, smoking is very harmful for health. It’s also destructive for thyroid health too. As it constitutes of various toxins such as thiocyanate which act as a trigger for thyroid problems. Also, smokers are more prone to develop eye complications related to an autoimmune thyroid disorder namely, Graves disease.  

Understand that thyroid health is very important for your wellbeing. Don’t risk health of the gland which takes care of your body. Know the best ways to prevent thyroid problems, implement them for healthy living & improve your quality of your life.

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Thursday 6 October 2016

Office Ergonomics – Five Ways To Build A Right Workplace

Office Ergonomics- 5 ways to build a right workplace

Many of us spend our time in office sitting continuously before the computer or a laptop with moving or getting up from the place becoming almost negligible; eventually which brings in typical ‘office body’ health problems like pain in the back, neck and shoulder along with the hunched-over body posture. An add-on to such sedentary corporate lifestyle, it also contributes towards increasing a risk of becoming obese and open doors to various diseases. Surprisingly, it is also found that workplace related stress also leads to increased risk of developing type II diabetes by 2 fold. Hence, it becomes important to routinely undergo corporate health checkup to take right steps towards balancing your health & work load. 

Luckily, there are few ways to cope from health fate in the office with the help of ‘Ergonomics’ to design your workplace in order to suits you and make your work environment comfortable. Implementation of these ergonomics tips will help lead to maximum efficiency & the highest productivity. These includes choosing of the right chair, correct equipment placing, work desk spacing and maintaining of good posture while working. Ergonomics also helps to prevent any work place injuries which are very commonly observed. 

Here are few ergonomics tips that you can follow : 

1. Select your chair carefully : 
While selecting the chair, make sure it supports your spinal cord. Another important aspect is adjusting height of your chair such that your feet rest on the floor with thighs parallel to it. Make sure your shoulders are relaxed completely by adjusting armrests. 

2. Keep frequently required objects in the close vicinity : 
Always remember to keep objects which you frequently need like, telephone, print outs, stapler, water bottle, writing pad, etc. within your hands reach. Also, stand for reaching objects that cannot be comfortably reached while sitting. 

3. Placement of your mouse & keyboard : 
Place your mouse & keyboard in such a way that, while using these your wrists will remain straight & your hands are slightly above the elbow’s level. Adjust mouse settings so that even on soft touch it can be operated to avoid excess strain on the fingers.  

4. Take extra care of your eyes with workplace modifications : 
Keep monitor at least an arm’s distance away & also, do not place monitor opposite a window to avoid light reflection.  

5. Arrange your files properly : 
Make sure only those files which you require frequently are kept on the desk; others files can be kept in the shelf. This will help in avoiding the lifting of whole bundle & then searching for particular file which can waste your energy as well as time. 

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Thursday 25 August 2016

Top 5 Reasons Why Your Belly Fat Increases

Top 5 Reasons Why Your Belly Fat Increases

Most of us dream to have a flat belly or ‘six-pack abs’; but sadly the reality is different, as prominent Indian population has a bulging belly. The biggest reason behind is the sedentary lifestyle which we live owing to numerous demands that surround us, like the 9 hour jobs involving sitting continously at one place, etc. and these end up causing numerous diseases, conditions and also resulting into a bloated belly. Your arms, legs may be in the right shape but, a bloated belly not only damage your personality but also, severely affects your health. Despite of all the consequences it may lead, we still, manage to ignore it until some health problem arise. Moreover, even the fat around our waist is more dangerous than, being overweight. This is mainly because fat which accumulates around your belly can even increase your risk to heart diseases, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and cancer too. Hence, reducing your waistline is the first step towards experiencing healthy living and opting for periodical complete health checkup is the second for early detection of health problems due to bulging belly.  

All of us have belly fat, yes you read it correct. Even the ones with abs have belly fat but, below the permissible limits. Protruding of tummy is commonly found in middle age individuals, especially women who have been pregnant or men with a habit of heavy intake of alcohol. But, beyond understanding the age group with high risk of developing a round middle, it is also important to understand the reasons behind it and what you can do to avoid it! The secret behind reducing excess of belly fat lies out of reach, beneath our abdominal wall, and are known as visceral fats. Surprisingly, it comprises only 10% of total body fat and the rest 90% is subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat covers vital organs like liver, pancreas and intestine in order to act as a cushion for these organs. 

So, now the biggest question in front of you must be exactly what causes this visceral fat to increase beyond the permissible limits. Here are top 5 reasons your belly fat increases: 

1. Diet: 
What you eat, will definitely affect your heartbeat. Strange but very true that, diet alone plays 80% role in maintaining of everyday health. So, eating junk food, foods which are comprised of high fat and sugar is the biggest reason behind your extra belly fat. Hence, high sugar containing foods such as cakes, candies, muffins and flavoured beverages such as soft drinks, sweet tea and artificially sweetener & preservative added juices are a big NO to prevent bloated belly. Also, incorporating lean meats, fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet becomes essential. 

2. Alcohol & Beer belly: 
You must have observed those who consume alcohol frequently tend to have bloated belly. This is because alcohol slows downs your metabolic rate leading to burning of lesser calories. And thus, excess calories from alcohol are stored in the form of belly fats called as ‘beer belly’. 

3. Genes:                                        
Your genes can also be responsible for the bulging belly. One of the factors responsible for increasing the paunch is if it is running in your family. According to family tree your body shape tends to become either apple-shaped or pear-shaped. Most of the men tend to have an apple shaped body type which can be inherited from the parents. 

4. Stress: 
Cortisol is a ‘stress hormone’ which is secreted by the adrenal glands in response to stressful situations. If it is produced in excess due to recurrent stress, it leads to weight gain in the abdominal region. This is mainly because, cortisol hormones sends chemical messages to the brain to store more calories to fight against stress.  

5. Gut Health:
Any imbalance in gut micro flora hampers gut health and indirectly affects the immune system too. Numerous types of bacteria live in our gut, with some being helpful while others being harmful. Any imbalance in these gut micro flora can lead to abdominal fat deposition. 

Now that you are aware of the reasons for increase in your belly fat, ensure to take extra precautions and start implementing remedies to enjoy healthier, happier and a confident life.   

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Saturday 6 August 2016

5 Easy Ways To Support Your Friend With Cancer.

Support your friend with the cancer,this friendship day.

Friendship - A relation not defined by blood ties but from ties we make on earth during our lifetime. Undoubtedly, friends are the ones with whom we share almost everything; at times even certain secrets and thoughts which we feel uncomfortable to even share with our parents. Right from secret crushes in college to silly events in every day of our lives, a friend is someone who knows every bit of us! But a devastating situation comes in front of a dear friend. Your friend is diagnosed of a disease like cancer! - an ultimate trauma and a sure means of isolation. What soon would creep in your friendship is his/her busy schedules full of appointments, scan, treatments along with the endless thought of a nearing fate. The first thing which will come to your mind will be spending sometime with him. But, whenever you meet, it may be very difficult to understand what to say or do that will bring smile on his/her face.

‘Cancer’ the word itself is associated with feeling of despair, anxiety and isolation. We often fail to understand that cancer patients are overlooked, due to our reluctance in interacting with them and to know what’s exactly going on in their mind. This is a very crucial aspect, because diagnosis of a disease like cancer brings many changes in one’s lifestyle. Hence, a strong emotional support from their surroundings to boost their willpower coupled with moments of happiness is essential. 

There are no concrete rules to support a friend who recently got diagnosed with this life threatening disease. The secret lies in, is to keep things simple, as little things which we do selflessly are the ones which leave behind great impact. First of all you need keep in your mind that, touching, hugging or shaking hands with your friend does not mean you will become next cancer victim; on other hand it will make your friend feel better. A friend will not want your sympathy but a feeling that you care. Here are few simple ways by which you can apply to support and care for your dear friend with cancer : 

1. Make Up Your Mind First : 
First of all cope up with your own emotions before visiting his/her home as you need to control all your feelings that can even make your friend weaker emotionally. Think what all things will result into few moments of laughter but at the same time be careful that it won’t hurt if he or she is no longer capable of experiencing them. 

2. Always Ask Before You Visit : 
Do not forgot to confirm is it’s right time to visit as the patient can be in hospital or home. On the top, if your friend is unwell your visit will make him uncomfortable. So, make a phone call to seek permission to visit as well as make flexible plans that can be changed if your friend needs to postpone. 

3. Make Every Visit Memorable : 
Whenever you meet, start conversation saying, “It’s good to see you” instead of commenting on physical appearance as there can be physical changes due to cancer. Talk about likes, hobbies and things which will distract your friend from thoughts of cancer. Offer him gifts such as motivational books, articles regarding people who won over cancer, etc. Show them discount offers on online shopping portals as carrying out shopping in markets and malls may not be possible for your friend due to weakness. 

4. Put Some Practical Efforts :    
Often we forget that family members of cancer victim too need support. Hence, it is essential to even boost their moral and practically helping your friend’s parents in daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning and laundry, etc. can even mean a lot! Help them with hospital formalities, booking of health check ups and chemotherapy sessions, etc., and or even drive your friend to an appointment. You can also go for walk followed by movie together with whole family.  

5. Your Words Can Do Wonders : 
  • Here are examples of phrases that can be really helpful : 
  • I care about you. 
  • If you ever feel like talking, I’m here to listen.
  • You can share anything with me. 
  • What are your plans for today, how I can be part of it. 
  • It will be great if you tell how can I help you in this. 

In the end, you need to understand that friendship can really make a difference, Happy Friendship Day.

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Thursday 28 July 2016

Hepatitis - Know Your Liver’s State Before it’s Too Late!

Hepatitis - Know Your Liver’s State Before it’s Too Late!

What is Hepatitis?
Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of liver caused by viral infection and mainly include hepatitis A, B, C, D and E viruses. The type of virus infection can be distinguished on basis of their mode of transmission (contaminated water or food), epidemology, presentation, prevention & control. Hepatitis can be very dangerous and can even lead to death when left untreated (majorly in chronic hepatitis state). Our country along with many others throughout the world show presence of many hepatitis related cases and hence proper insight becomes essential. Every year, on 28th July World Hepatitis Day is celebrated in more than 100 countries worldwide; and this day helps us to realise and practice various awareness and preventive measures to combat with this liver bane!

Hepatitis Awareness - Why is it essential? 
Our liver is the most dynamic organ in our body having capability to take in all the toxins which may enter our body through medicines, consumption of alcohol, etc. Infact, it is so efficient that even 10% of its undamaged part can efficiently keep us going! When our liver is attacked with infections like Hepatitis, the symptoms may not be prominent in the beginning. And hence, utmost need to generate awareness about certain types like hepatitis B and C which can become chronic without showing any symptoms is essential. While hepatitis A is the milder version of the disease, hepatitis C and D infections are the most severe and dreaded ones. 

What are the major symptoms to look out for?
Most of the time, there are no noticeable symptoms in the first week of infection; however, in the later stages one may notice -
Feeling of fatigue
Abdominal pain
Yellowing of skin or eyes
Unexplained weight loss
Mild fever 

How Is Hepatitis Diagnosed?
Diagnosis of any condition or disease is the first step in treating it. The good news is appropriate diagnosis of hepatitis can be achieved successfully in order to determine the presence of specific type of hepatitis infection. 

Physical examination:
Here, the doctor will check your abdomen for any tenderness and pain. Also, yellowing of eyes and skin if present, will also be analysed. 

Blood Tests:
Simple blood tests from a reputed diagnostic centre to detect the presence of antibodies against hepatitis virus and antigen to confirm it is important. Also, analyzing the health of the liver can shed light on the condition of the infected individual.

Liver Function Tests (LFT):
A most effective way of determining liver health is by analysing its efficiency in removal of toxins, unwanted proteins and enzymes from the blood. LFT includes determination of various enzymes that are produced by the liver. Hence, if the levels of its enzyme shoot up, it will indicate that the liver is damaged or stressed. 

Viral Antibody Testing:
Viral antibody testing is carried out in order to identify the type of hepatitis virus which is present. This is important, as it will aid selecting accurate treatment plan for the type.

Prevent hepatitis and save the trouble!
Here are few tips to protect our liver health: 
Avoid alcohol in order decrease the chances of damage to liver significantly
Drink only safe water tested from certified water testing laboratory as contaminated water is a major source for hepatitis infection spread
Avoid consumption of seafood which partially cooked as there are chances that viruses are not completed destroyed in such foods.
Consume only properly cooked food
Wash fruits and vegetables that eaten raw thoroughly using clean water  
Wash your hands with disinfectant or soap before consuming any food
Wash all your vessels and cloths in hot water using soap; also dry clothes in sunlight as it helps in killing germs and avoiding chances of any type of infections 
Do not use toothbrush, scissors, nail files, razors and needles which are already used.  
Avoid direct contact with wounds of infected individuals
Undergo routine preventive health checkup to detect any abnormalities if present
If you have any travel plans to countries where hepatitis is widespread, ensure to get yourself vaccinated

Be it hepatitis or any other infectious disease, proper awareness in knowing how to prevent it and adequate diagnosis on right time ensures adequate protection from them. On this World Hepatitis Day ensure you are aware how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe and protected from hepatitis!

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Friday 15 July 2016

Mission Dengue Free India : Stay Away from Dengue Fever

dengue prevention

Introduction to Dengue :  
These days one will find patients suffering from Dengue everywhere. The hospitals beds are occupied with dengue patients. Dengue is a viral disease transmitted by the bite of a particular mosquito known as Aedes Aegypti. When a female mosquito bites the infected person it becomes vector for transferring of the virus and then, ingest virus into the next person. The dangerous part is symptoms can be seen only after 5-6 day of the mosquito bite. Also, diagnosis of this is possible from various diagnostic laboratories in India only after arrival of symptoms as till then patient is usually unaware of it. Shockingly, till now no medicine or antibiotic is known to cure the dengue fever which occurs in mild and severe fevers. The former type is known as break bone or classical dengue fever and the latter is known as Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF). 

More about Dengue Fever : 
Dengue fever lasts for about 7 to 10 days, with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, severe joint and muscle pain, fatigue, skin rash, pain behind the eyes etc. It’s estimated that, annually around 390 million infections occur worldwide out of which nearly 96 million result in illness. Considering the seriousness of the outspread of dengue in India, Maharashtra state government has declared dengue as a “notified disease”. So, now health workers can conduct checkups in any premises and on top of that they do not need to have any permission for the same.  

Mission Dengue Free India : 
Can you recollect few health workers from BMC visited Bollywood actors Anil Kapoor and Juhi Chawala’s houses to find the presence of any open water-bodies which can be breeding sites of mosquito larvae. This time they are taking one step ahead, clinical management training has been given to around 2,800 health associates to prevent the increase in dengue cases. The state government would be distributing 1.10 lakh mosquito nets sent by the Central government. 

This year there were around 14,203 cases of dengue but only two deaths were reported. This indicates that mortality of dengue in Indian population has decreased significantly but, the number of people infected by dengue has increased remarkably. Hence, it’s important to improve our efforts to eradicate dengue by spreading awareness about their breeding sites and eradication of mosquitoes carrying the virus. Also, promoting Dengue vaccination in the population can efficiently prevent the onset of dengue fever as the body has already developed immunity against the virus. But, the most worrying fact is Governmental initiatives to stop dengue spread and keep disease in control have been proved to be poorly effective. So, now let’s pledge to support the Government by spreading awareness about prevention and protection form dengue by educating people about not to keep stagnant water open at their homes and wearing of full body covering clothes.  

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